21 September 2011

Did the public like wind/watermills in the past?

So I was working with a student on the perceptions of windpower in the US, specifically on the differences that have seen wind farms installed fairly widely in California vs. the Nantucket project that hit a wall, and it got me thinking...  

I wonder what people said in this area as new mills went up on Spring Creek, or a new ore washer went in 'down by the mine'.  My first guess is that in the 19th century, such developments were both 'Progress' and also not so nearly 'impactful' (if that is a word, which I am sure it is not) as we perceive them to be today. This is not to suggest that industrial sites do not impact the locales into which they are inserted, but we should be attuned to the perception of impacts (I don't want to see them form my window) vs. the material impacts (My well water is full of methane).

My thinking of this is largely conditioned by Nye on America as Second Creation, as well as Hughes on the Human-Built World (esp. ch. 2), though at the same time, there is a 19th-century legal case where a company that put in an ore-washer agreed ahead of time to pipe fresh water to a farmer's cattle should their wash water taint his stream (it did, they didn't, and the farmer won damages), so clearly the industries knew that they would be impacting the local environment.

My thoughts were initially also captured by this article: "Understanding public responses to offshore wind power" (from  Engineering Village).  Clearly much more to think about.

When the Teletubbies get a wind farm...

Ore Washers in Centre Co.

Having compiled the 26 ore washer locations from the Second Geological Survey of PA (1884), it is clear there were far more than I had thought:

More to come as the ore washing team analyze this.

More on Jenkins & Lingle

1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of Jenkins & Lingle
It turns out that Jenkins & Lingle were not best known for their turbine, but rather Jenkins' cushioned steam hammer.  William Jenkins had joined the Bellefonte Machine Shop as a machinist in 1866, and worked his way up through the ranks, so that when the partnerships rearranged in 1875, the shop became a partnership of William P Duncan, Jenkins, and J.H. Lingle, trading under the name W. P. Duncan and Co. When Dunacn retired the firm became Jenkins & Lingle, and Jenkins retired in 1902 [1].  In 1892 the machine shop was along Spring Creek in the heart of town, just downstream from the Bush House hotel.

According to Bellefonte through the Years, Jenkins was known for his hammer and turbine, as well as inventions in the continuous rolling, low-water alarms for steam boilers, a burner for coal oil, and various tools including a rake, hoe, clevis (a connecting link for hoisting), and an "ice creeper".  A quick search of Google Patents shows that Jenkins held at least 15 patents:

Patent no. Date
Mar 10, 1891
Power Hammer
Mar 24, 1892
Mar 8, 1894
Nov 4, 1893
Apr 1, 1896
Method of Making Picks or other Tools
Oct 16, 1897
Stamping or Punching Press
Dec. 9, 1897
Aug 10, 1898
Tool [mfg. process for hatchets, etc.]
Dec 8, 1899
Jul 26, 1902
Apr 17, 1903
Dec 26, 1902
Art of Manufacturing Rakes
Jul 28, 1905
Sep 19, 1906
Mar 28, 1907
Friction Gearing

(There seems to be some confusion on whether this Jenkins is Jr. or Sr.  A William R. Jenkins Jr. of Williamsport patented a farm gate in 1874 [patent 155,953], though he lived in Williamsport -- could this have been the Bellefonte WRJ's son?)

Jenkins' Bellefonte Turbine

Jenkins Turbine, Patent no. 190,595
So I am reading the Second Pennsylvania Geological Report for Centre Co. from 1884 (as one does...), and in describing the operations of Eagle (Curtain) Furnace north of Milesburg (which they strangely call Pleasant Furnace, but which is now restored and run in the summer by PHMC), it says of it's operations:
The forge has 8 heating fires, using about 90 bushels charcoal to the ton [of iron]. An old wooden undershot water-wheel furnished power for hammer, soon to be replaced by a Jenkins (Bellefonte) turbine wheel.  Product chiefly for boiler plate. [p. 261]
Other than finding it interesting that the furnace had 8 hearths in a hammer mill, which I had never realized (not sure that that part of the ironworks has been restored), but when I read the comment about the turbine that was about to be installed, and my first thought was, "there's a patent turbine from Bellefonte?!?"  Indeed there is!  Read on.

In 1877, William R. Jenkins, Jr. of Bellefonte received a patent for "Improvements in Turbine Water Wheels" (U.S. Patent no. 190,595) wherein he claimed a simple and durable invention of the type that took horizontal (tangential) water flow and channeled it downward along the wheel's perimeter to derive torque.  This style vied for primacy with the type that took water in vertically at the top and channeled it out radially at the bottom to derive torque, though both are types of reaction turbines (I need to look into this distinction some more; the canonical type of reaction turbine for low-head applications is the Francis turbine from 1848, and Jenkins's seems a variation on that idea).

Jenkins' inverted-cone form of the turbine tried to combine light-weight manufacture (hence the empty hollow cone above), water striking the blades perpendicularly in order to deliver the greatest force, and blade shapes that let the water slightly lift the turbine, thereby reducing friction on the lower bearing.  Jenkins claimed that this would derive the maximum power from the water.

A decade after Jenkins patented the turbine, the Eagle Iron Works was interested in installing one, so he clearly had some success with the design.  Since, though, the iron works was only about 6 miles from Bellefonte, that might not be too surprising.  The advertisement below, however, from The Roller Mill, vol. 12 (July 1893), shows that Jenkins saw some success in his venture.

More to come on Jenkins & Lingle shortly...