01 June 2010

More on Houser's Mill

Well, you can't drive to the stream any more on Old Mill Road in Houserville, and the stream wanders and meanders in that region.  I am going to guess that the Old Mill Road (labeled T603-2) is actually running along the top of the old dam/weir and that that means everything SW of the road is the old mill pond.  It would make sense that the rivulets and meanders that you see now are remains of old channels, but I am going to have to go back with a camera and ask some landowners for permission to wander across their back meadows (in the British sense: wet ground) to figure this one out.

Here is the PASDA view and you can see how Spring Creek seems to curve around the north end of Old Mill Rd., which is what a breeched dam would look like...  just a theory for now.

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